We Will Audit Your Facebook Ad Campaigns

We Will Audit Your Facebook Ad Campaigns

Regular price $500 $199 Sale

Is Facebook currently a MONEY-MAKING Machine for you or a MONEY-EATING Machine?

It can take MONTHS of testing and THOUSANDS of dollars to find your first profitable ad.

Testing different offers, audiences, headlines, content, images and landing pages will cost you a TON of time and money.

We have launched hundreds of campaigns, managed MILLIONS of dollars of Facebook ad spend, and have trained over a period of YEARS by top members of Facebook's internal advertising team at their Menlo Park / Palo Alto Headquarters in California.

We have been doing this long enough to be able to quickly pinpoint mistakes, and ideas for ways you can get better performance from your campaigns especially for small businesses, eCommerce and Lead Gen companies. 

For this gig, we will analyze your ad account and diagnose what you may be doing wrong that isn't leading to the profits you are seeking.

We will complete the analysis within 3 Business Days and provide a comprehensive, thorough report on steps you need to take to optimize your account, or with your permission, we can do them for you. (Account implementation gig)


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